NBBI (Founded by Dr. Alexander Philip and Mrs. Laly Philip) is the pivot educational project of the New India Evangelistic Association (NIEA) started in the year 2000. The Institute is situated at Purina in Bihar. NBBI offers academic programs from Certificate to Masters level.
Nav Bharat Bible Institute (NBBI) is dedicated to train and equip men and women for to serve the most needy of the society in India as well in the neighboring countries. NBBI is committed to provide sound Biblical teaching.
Already we have an alumnus of approximately 600 involved in similar activities of NIEA such as child care, scripture engagement, health care, church planting and education in various states of India and Nepal. As the word of God says “the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few” (Matt. 9:37).
NBBI has students from northern parts of India and Nepal representing a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-generational group.