Dear friends of NBBI,
We greet you in the name of Jesus Christ!
Nav Bharat Bible Institute was established in 2000 to train men and women (Matt. 28:19, 20). Her academic focus which is inclusive of the missional mandate to equip a new and younger generation of children and youth is commendable. Students representing various language communities provide inspiration to serve the Bibleless language groups around the nation, which estimates place as close to 100.
Training at NBBI is unique on several fronts. Firstly, the focus is on nurturing and growing in each student – the 5 Cs – Christ, Character, Calling, Community and Competence. These are developed in each student preparing them for their future ministry using the 4 Ds (or Dynamics) which are the Spiritual, Experiential, Relational and Instructional dynamics. Developed by Malcolm Webber and his group focussed on Building Healthy Leaders (BHL), NBBI is attempting to prepare a new generation of pastors, teachers and Christian workers. Doing theology and seeking transformational results in the students’ understanding of God, His purposes for their lives, the interpretation of His Word and being obedient to His will is the focus at NBBI (Col. 1:28)!
Secondly, NBBI is treading a new path by appreciating the large segment of unreached peoples in India who belong to an oral culture. A conservative estimate is that more than 60% of our population are part of an oral culture. At this institute, graduates belonging to Bibleless languages are being equipped craft and lead Bible Story teams as they prepare Bible Stories for those who have never had a verse of Scripture in their own language yet. In partnership with the Wycliffe family of organizations, they are cooperating to see God’s Word made available for those language communities who are currently Bibleless (Rev. 7:9). All undergraduate students have specialized courses in orality and Oral Bible Storying.
We desire to leave behind a legacy of effective leaders in Asia. We seek to grow and nurture leaders to be more God-cantered persons by transforming their perspectives, developing healthy partnerships and empowering them for quality performance in both the church and the marketplace (2 Tim. 2:2). Our hope and prayer is that everyone of the unreached and unengaged people groups of India would have a chance to hear and to respond to the message of Christ in this generation. To know Christ is to worship Him… to worship Him is to reach out even further.
Warmly in Christ,
Dr. Alexander Philip
Executive Director, NIEA